Friday, February 8, 2008

I've been tagged

I'm kind of excited since I haven't tagged been before. I should be working on my talk for Sunday, but instead I'm spending my friday evening catching up on my friends lives via blog. Chris and I already had our date.....spent time at BabysRUs registering .

How long have you been together? Married 3 years in July.
How long did you date? 10 months - engaged for 5 of them.
How old is he? 31...I told him he could never call me his "Old lady" since he's older than me.
Who eats more? Chris, definately. My family calls him "Beefcake".
Who said "I love you" first? He did and then he said I didn't need to say it back. I did, but it was weird since I wasn't sure at the time.
Who is taller? Chris is by an inch or two. If I'm wearing shoes and he's not, I swear I'm taller.
Who sings better? I sing better. When I met him, he was in this band (as the singer) but it was the yelling kind. He doesn't sing much anymore.
Who is smarter? We are both smart in different things. His knowledge is in the random and weird.
Who does the laundry? We both do it although he's shrunk a lot of my stuff. He's now learned that some of my things don't go in the dryer.
Who does the dishes? If I make dinner, Chris does dishes. If he makes dinner, I do dishes. He usually does the dishes more and I'm thankful. I would rather clean toilets than do dishes...seriously.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep on the right side. He switched for a bit, but I didn't like it.
Who pays the bills? Lucky me!
Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn to mow, but I'd make him do it. I mowed the lawn too many times in my youth.
Who cooks dinner? Most of the time I do it.
Who is more stubborn? Probably me.
Who kissed who first? Chris went in for the kill first. I hadn't kissed anyone for a long time so I was totally scared. I'm glad he was brave.
Who asked who out? We were kind of hanging out with friends at first and then he asked me to see a movie and go to dinner.
Who proposed? Chris did. The day was a suprise, but I knew it was coming.
Who is more sensitive? I am more sensitive. And that's not just because I'm preggers right now.
Who has more friends? Girls usually have more friends.
Who has more siblings? We each have the same amount (3 sisters and 2 brothers)
Who wears the pants in the relationship? Sometimes I think I do since he makes me be in charge of some things, but it's his duty as the man of the house.
Who are you tagging? If anyone reads this who hasn't been tagged..."You're It!"


nomadicspud said...

I love it Tamara. Since most of us didn't know each other at this time in our lives, it makes it a little more fun. BYW, the blocks for Luke are so cute!!!

Chelle said...

Love the new template and tulip picture - nice work! When are you going to post some more belly pics? :) Come on... I know you want to!