Friday, April 3, 2009

Where are you?

Hello blogging friends. I'm still here and I have quite a few posts waiting and I want to add pictures to these post. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the USB cord that plugs the camera into the computer. It's been MIA since my birthday last month. You see, I remember using it around that time because I uploaded some pictures directly from the camera to my facebook account, but I didn't save them to my computer (which I should have done) and didn't upload everything either. Usually, this chord is kept in one of the desk drawers that our computer sits on - naturally a good place to keep it. Sadly, those drawers have been searched and it's no where to be found. My camera is holding some real gems and I'm very sad about it. Anywho, sorry to keep you waiting. I do hope it magically appears soon. I'm going to do a lot more searching in hopes that it turns up. I wonder if you can just buy these things at best buy or someplace like that.

Somewhere out there....


wandering nana said...

Hey, we have 2 different things you can plug into your computer that will hold the memory card if your camera has one.

Stacey said...

I'd ask Luke. He's probably the one who hid them.

Julie said...

I've been wondering what happened to you! Good luck finding the cord. We'll be waiting patiently!